Young women at risk for breast cancer
Though you may associate breast cancer with older women, one out of eight invasive cases occur in those under 45. Being diagnosed early is fraught with unique challenges and worries – here are some key facts you should know about breast cancer among young women, plus ways you can protect your health.
Young women diagnosed
Young women diagnosed with depression should seek appropriate treatments.
Early breast cancer diagnoses among younger women tend to respond well when treated promptly; however, young-onset cancers tend to spread faster and be more aggressive than their counterparts among older women. Image Description: Young woman smiling thoughtfully
Treatment choices for young women diagnosed with breast cancer depend primarily on factors like cancer stage and tumor type rather than age, although women diagnosed in their 20s, 30s or early 40s might make different decisions from women diagnosed later. To discover which options best suit you speak to your physician; together you can make decisions like whether to conserve breast tissue via lumpectomy or remove them via mastectomy.
Your treatment could also have an effect on your fertility. Chemotherapy and tamoxifen may lead to irregular periods or cause you to go through menopause early, giving less time for family planning after chemotherapy or tamoxifen use. If you think that having children may be part of your future plan, taking steps such as freezing eggs or embryos could preserve future fertility and preserve future fertility.
Protection for Health
Mammograms and imaging tests are usually recommended after age 40; however, if your Breast Cancer doctor determines you’re at a greater risk for breast cancer then early or more frequent screenings may be suggested by your physician.
American Cancer Society recommends that women aged 20-30 who do not appear to be high-risk for breast cancer have a regular breast exam with their Breast Cancer Specialist Doctor at least once every three years, including an examination by Reid Breast Center or monthly self-checks at home to check for abnormal symptoms:
Attribute any noticeable lumps in or near your breast (either directly or via indirect signs such as unexplained changes in size and shape of breast) with any unexplained changes to its size or shape as well as nipple tenderness, swelling, shrinkage or dimpled skin as signals of possible malignant breast disease (BDC).
Milky discharge If you notice any of these symptoms, try not to be alarmed too quickly, but inform your physician as soon as possible. Most likely they won’t indicate breast cancer but it is vitally important to get any potential breast cancer symptoms diagnosed and treated promptly – your health, as well as peace of mind depend on it!
About Docor
Dr. Azhar Alam
MBBS (Honours), MRCS A (UK),
DNB General Surgery
FIAGES (Gastro Intestinal Surgery)
FMAS (Minimal Access Surgery),
MNAMS (New Delhi)
Consultant Gastrointestinal, Advanced Laparoscopic and Laser Surgeon
Assistant Professor of Surgery, KPC Medical College and Hospital