Splenectomy Doctor in Kolkata

What is Spleen?
The spleen is located in the left rib cage just above the stomach. It’s part the lymphatic system, which is part the immune system. The spleen is responsible for storing and filtering blood. It also makes white blood cell defense against infection. There are many conditions that can impact the functioning of your spleen. A torn or ruptured spleen can lead to death.
What is an enlarged Spleen?
Splenomegaly is an enlarged spleen. It is not a disease. in and of itself. It’s usually a sign of a disease.
What are the signs of an enlarged spleen?
An enlarged spleen may not cause any symptoms. However, you may:
• You may feel a dull sensation in the back or left side of your abdomen.
• You should feel full before you eat so that you don’t overeat.
• Anemic (and, with it, tired and/or short-of-breath).

Symptoms of Enlarged Spleen
An enlarged spleen usually causes no symptoms or signs, but it can sometimes cause:
✔ The left upper abdomen can feel full or painful and may spread to the left shoulder.
✔ Feeling full without eating, or feeling satisfied after eating small amounts. This is because your stomach presses on your stomach.
✔ Anemia is a low level of red blood cells.
✔ Frequent infections
✔ Bleeding is easy
Causes of Enlarged Spleen
What causes an enlarged spleen?
A variety of factors can cause the spleens to expand, including:
• Viral, fungal, and bacterial infections
• Hemolytic Anemia is a condition in which the spleen damages healthy red blood cells
• Blood clots from the liver or spleen.
• Liver diseases and Cirrhosis
• Cancers such as lymphoma or leukemia
• Metabolic diseases are storage diseases that are caused by a lack of enzymes, such as Gaucher Disease
• Sarcoidosis
• Amyloidosis
• Felty syndrome is a combination of rheumatoid arthritis, a low amount of white cells (called neutropenia), and an enlarged spleen
Diagnosis of Enlarged Spleen
✔ Tests for blood, including complete blood count.
✔ Your healthcare provider might perform a physical exam to detect an enlarged stomach.
✔ The use of imaging tests such as computerized tomography (CT), or ultrasound, can be used to detect abnormalities.
✔ A biopsy of bone marrow.
Laparoscopic Splenectomy
What are the advantages of Laparoscopic Splenectomy?
Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) is the most advanced standard in elective spleen surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery has many benefits:
- Shorter hospital stay
- There are fewer internal scars
- External scarrings are smaller
- Scars heal quicker
- Less pain
- You can return to your activities quicker
Consult with Dr Azhar Alam, the best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Kolkata

How can an enlarged spleen be treated?
The etiology (what caused the spleen’s growth) will determine the treatment. Sometimes, surgery may be required to remove the spleen (a procedure called splenectomy).
Why Spleen removal is required?
There are a few reasons your spleen might be removed.
Specific cancers: Lymphoma is Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and nonHodgkin’s Lymphoma. This is the main reason your spleen may be removed. There are other possible reasons to have your spleen removed, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hairy cell leukemia.
Spleen disorders: Sometimes, medical treatment is not successful for certain conditions. These conditions include autoimmune hemolytic anemia , and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
Splenomegaly: Surgery may be necessary to remove the enlarged spleen.
Hypersplenism: A enlarged spleen could cause too many blood vessels and platelets to be destroyed.
Trauma: If bleeding is severe, splenectomy may be required.
Infection – Abscess of your spleen can occur in very rare cases, but should be treated.
What are splenic trauma?
Splenic injuries are usually the result of blunt abdominal trauma. Many patients experience abdominal pain sometimes radiating to their shoulder and tenderness. Ultrasonography and CT can be used to diagnose this condition. The treatment involves observation and occasionally surgical repair. Rarely, splenectomy may be necessary.