Indian Diet Plan For Piles – What To Eat & What Not To Eat?
The prevalence of Piles is growing each day. The changing dietary habits and the impact of western eating habits and a diet lacking sufficient soluble fiber, and a poor diet routine result in constipation, which can lead to piles. In this article we’ll discuss the Indian Diet Plan For Piles as well as the foods to avoid when you are in piles, which fruit are suitable for piles, and more in-depth.
Foods To Take to for Piles
Constipation or disturbed digestion is a major reason for piles. The prevention of constipation will help reduce the severity of the condition to a certain degree. Therefore, the diet that is recommended for piles must have sufficient fiber content.
Also Read: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Of Piles – Need To Know
How does fiber help in Piles?
Soluble fibers from food aid in creating a more bulky and soft stool that is easy to pass through and reduces the chance of constipation.
They, in turn, can prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids as well as reduce the discomfort of existing hemorrhoids.
Whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fresh fruits are suggested high in fiber to pile on the pounds.
You may also speak with the best Piles Doctors in Kolkata to get a customized Diet Plan for Piles.
List of high fiber foods to help with Piles Diet:
Whole grains:

Piles Specialist has suggested Yava (Barley), Godhuma (Wheat), Raktha Shali (Red rice), Kulatha (Horse gram) for patients suffering from piles.
Bran, oatmeal, and whole-grain flours are great options to incorporate into the Indian diet to help piles. A whole wheat chapati is a great option for piles. It stops the loss of moisture in the stool.
Fresh Vegetables:
Add Patol (Parwar also known as Pointed Gourd), Surana (tuber of elephant’s foot), Punarnava (Spreading hogweed) as well as cabbage, spinach, and broccoli. Also, asparagus and cauliflower, as well as onions and cucumber in the daily diet.
The fiber content high in these vegetables improves digestion, cleanses and detoxifies the intestines, eases constipation, and aids in reducing the symptoms of piles.
Fruits for Piles
Fruits are a fantastic source of fiber from the diet and other important nutrients. Consume amla, apple prunes, raisins, as well as grapes that have their skin. Be sure to wash them prior to eating them.
Papaya, bananas oranges, muskmelon, and papaya are also good fruits to use to help piles. The ideal time to consume fruit is with a full stomach.
Dry figs are a simple and efficient solution for piles. Incubate dried figs in warm water overnight and then eat them first thing in the early morning.
Dairy products
A hemorrhoid specialist has advised Takra (buttermilk) as well as Navaneetam (butter) to treat piles. Buttermilk is regarded as one of the top remedies for piles since it regulates the three doshas, and helps relieve constipation. Buttermilk, as a source of probiotics, helps to improve digestion.
Drink an ice-cold glass of fresh buttermilk along with black salt and carom seeds regularly at mealtimes to feel relief from the discomforts caused by the accumulation.
The oil castor is famous for its mildly laxative effect.
Take a tiny teaspoon (about 3 milliliters) from castor oil along with the milk prior to the time of bed. It helps to soften the stool and makes it easier to pass. It also lowers pressure on the muscles and walls of the rectal.
Make Sure You Drink Enough Water
Drinking enough water in the right quantity is just as important as eating healthy food in piles. The water increases the volume of the stool and makes it softer.
Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day to avoid dehydration, and to facilitate stool passage easily. However, bear your mind in the forefront that doctor recommends drinking water with moderate amounts in piles. In excess drinking of water can cause digestive problems and even worsen pile issues.
Foods to Avoid in Piles

The Hemorrhoids doctor suggests avoiding Viruddha Ahara (incompatible food combinations), Vishtambika ahara (foods that can cause an upset stomach), Guru ahara (difficult to digest food items), Anupa Mamsa (meat of aquatic animals, i.e. fish) as well as Dushta Udaka (contaminated waters). Consumption of these foods can disrupt digestion and blocks the proper production of feces.
According to Piles Surgeon the excessive consumption of food items that have Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter) along Kashaya (astringent) flavors can cause digestive problems. So, it is best to avoid eating them in piles.
Food items that are processed, salted, junk, and deep-fried food items can cause loss of moisture in the feces, making it harder to pass stool. Therefore, it is best to stay clear of these items.
A List of Foods to Avoid when you have Hemorrhoids:
Foods that are Low in Fiber
White rice, which is low in fiber or white bread plain pasta, or noodles can cause strain when you defecate because they make the stools less slender and harder. The abdominal pressure is increased, causes a venous return to be blocked and weakens the rectal veins and causes your piles to get worse.
Deep-fried, salty and fried foods such as french fries, burgers are difficult to digest and may cause bloating and make symptoms of pile worse.
Red meat in particular, meat processed meats, as well as fish, are all low in fiber, are difficult to digest and have large amounts of sodium. They can cause constipation, which leads to haemorrhoids.
Nightshade Vegetables
Tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant can cause dosha imbalance and can cause worsening of the symptoms of piles.
Gassy Foods
Beans such as Masha (black Gram) as well as pulses and sprouts are difficult to digest and may cause irritation to the colon. It is recommended to consume them in the smallest amount possible, and as well as after properly cooked.
Foods Containing Refined Sugar
Beware of products that contain refined white flour, such as cakes and biscuits, as well as refined cereals, such as white rice. Foods with high levels of refined sugar, carbohydrate or fat can cause irritation to the bowel and can cause constipation.
Fermented and Spicy Foods
Avoid spicy food or food items that are known to cause diarrhea or constipation. They can trigger the discomfort, pain, and bleeding that is associated with piles.
Fermented foods like dosa and idli cause Pitta as well as Vata dosha, which makes piles even more difficult. It is, therefore, better to stay clear of or limit the use of these foods.
Dairy Products
Apart from buttermilk, stay clear of other dairy products such as dairy products that are raw, Dahi (curd), or paneer cheese. When you eat a lot of food, your digestion becomes weak, and eating heavy food could make things more complicated.
Alcohol and Caffeine
To relieve piles of mud, stay away from drinking alcohol. Alcohol and other drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, can dehydrate your body. The dehydration may cause you to be strained during your bowel movement, which can cause discomfort and pain.
Also Read: Difference Between Piles, Fistula & Fissure
Final Words On Piles Diet
Following a fiber-rich Piles diet, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding processed, unhealthy foods is the key to obtaining quick and lasting alleviation from piles. Follow Indian diet plan for piles to stay fit and healthy.
Dr. Azhar Alam is the Best Surgeon in Kolkata. If it’s not too much trouble, demand an interview or call (91) 90077-09736.
Contact the Best Piles Doctor in Kolkata for the Hemorrhoid Treatment.