What is Hydrocele?
Hydrocele occurs when fluid fills the male’s scrotum causing it swelling. Although it is not a serious health problem, it can be embarrassing or uncomfortable. Hydroceles are more common among male infants than in adults. There are treatment options. Consult with best Hydrocele Doctor In Kolkata Dr Azhar Alam to get best treatment for Hydrocele.
How common are hydroceles?
Hydroceles affect 10% of infant male newborns. They usually disappear without any treatment in the first year. Only 1% of adult males have hydroceles. They often go away on their own.
The condition is more common in babies than in adults, but it can also be found in adult and adolescent men.
Types of Hydrocele

What are the different types of hydroceles?
There are two types: non-communicating and communicating hydrocele.
Communicating Hydrocele: This type of hydrocele has contact (communication with) the fluids in the abdominal cavity. The failure of the process vaginalis, the thin membrane that runs through the inguinal channel and into the scrotum, can lead to a communicating hydrocele. This membrane must be kept open to prevent a hernia or hydrocele from developing. The child’s scrotum may appear large or swollen and may change throughout the day.
Non-communicating Hydrocele: In this type, although the inguinal canal was closed, there was still fluid in the scrotum around the testicle. This condition could be present at birth, or it might develop years later without any obvious cause. Non-communicating hydroceles usually remain the same size as their parents or have very slow growth.
Symptoms and Causes of Hydrocele
What is the causes of hydrocele?
- Infection in testicles
- Injury to the scrotum
- Inflammation in the scrotum
What is the symptoms of hydrocele?
- Scrotal swelling and inflammation
- Itching
- Heaviness
- Accumulation of fluid in the scrotum
- Pain in the scrotal region
Diagnosis of Hydrocele
What tests are used to diagnose a hydrocele?
Hydrocele can be diagnosed by Dr.Azhar Alam, the Best Hydrocele Surgeon in Kolkata in children and adults through a combination test and observation, which may include: Physical exam – This could include testing the bulge of the groin under pressure, asking the patient to cough, shining a light through their scrotum to highlight any fluid collection.
An imaging test such as an ultrasound.
Prevention of Hydrocele

Is it possible to prevent a hydrocele?
You cannot prevent your baby getting a hydrocele. A hydrocele can be prevented by adult and adolescent men. If you are involved in contact sports, an athletic cup is recommended.
Hydroceles are not usually a serious health problem. However, it is important to inform your healthcare provider if you notice any swelling or abnormalities in the scrotum. The abnormality could be caused by another disease or condition.
Hydrocele Treatment in Kolkata
What is the best way to treat a hydrocele? What medications might be helpful?
Hydrocele can be treated with no medication.
Hydroceles usually do not require surgery. A hydrocele usually disappears on its own after six to twelve months. Hydroceles that don’t resolve naturally need to be repaired surgically to avoid further complications.
What are the sugary procedure available to treat Hydrocele?
Hydrocele surgery is also called hydroceleyctom.
Two methods can be used to do hydrocelectomy: the first is open surgery (open hydrocelectomy); the second is laser surgery (laserhydrocelectomy).
What are the difference between open hydrocele surgery and Laser hydrocele surgery?
Open hydrocelectomy is the traditional method of treating hydrocele. It involves a large incision, stitches, and inflicts pain as well as bleeding. Open hydrocelectomy can also be painful and takes longer to recover.
Dr. Azhar Alam provides the best Laser surgery to treat Hydrocele is however the best method to treat hydrocele. It is an advanced and modern way to treat hydrocele. This procedure does not require a large incision or stitches, and it also causes no pain or bleeding.
FAQ about Hydrocele
Can I lead a normal life after a hydrocele treatment?
Yes. A hydrocele should not interfere with your daily activities or decrease your quality of your life
Can a hydrocele impact fertility?
When is the best time to see my doctor? When is the best time to take my child to a doctor?
If your child is experiencing pain, contact a hydrocele specialist immediately.
If you notice any of these symptoms in your infant, please contact a hydrocele specialist doctor in Kolkata. These signs could indicate that abdominal fluid and part of the intestine have entered your infant’s scrotum.
• You may find a lump in the scrotum of your infant or it is just above.
• Your infant appears to be experiencing pain.
• Your infant appears to be feeling sick or not eating as well as usual.
• Your infant is vomiting