What is Anal Fistula?
Fistula in Ano is an abnormal tract or communication which is lined with granulation tissue, between a primary opening inside the anal canal and a secondary opening in the skin in the perianal region. At times, there can be a secondary tract or multiple tracts between the two openings. So it takes proper treatment to be cured. Get the treatment from the best Fistula Doctor in Kolkata
What Types of Anal Fistula are There?
Types of Fistula
Based on the site –
- Intersphincteric Fistula
- Transsphincteric fistula
- Suprasphincteric Fistula
- Extrasphincteric Fistula
Based on the severity –
- Simple Fistula
- Complex Fistula
What Causes Anal Fistulas ?
Some glands in our anus make fluids. They can become blocked or clogged. This could lead to the growth of bacteria in the pocket. The bacteria can then infect tissue and fluid, which is known as an abscess. This can lead to an abscess that is not treated. It may cause bleeding and pain.

Causes of Fistula
An anal fistula can be caused by a variety of reasons, including rare and common ones.
✔ Sexually Transmitted Disease
✔ Ongoing Illness
✔ Tuberculosis
✔ Crohn’s Disease
✔ Trauma
✔ Rectal Cancer
✔ Diverticulitis
✔ Ulcer growth
✔ Surgery complications
✔ Syphilis
What are the symptoms of Anal Fistulas?
Anal Fistula Symptoms
The common symptoms include –
- Foul-smelling drainage (pus) from an opening around the anus
- Bleeding from the perianal region
- Relief after pus drainage
- Pain and swelling in the skin around the anus
- Irritation of the skin around the anus
- Pain during passage of stool
- Fever, chills and a general feeling of fatigue
If you have any of the symptoms listed above, please contact the best Anal Fistula Doctor in Kolkata immediately for early diagnosis & treatment.

Diagnosis of Fistula
Your doctor will likely be able to ask you several questions, including:
When did your symptoms begin?
How severe are your symptoms?
Have your symptoms been continuous or occasional?
Then Fistula Doctor will go for Examinations like-
Physical Examination
Your physician will perform physical examinations to try to identify the fistula and look for a tumor, infection, or abscess.
Tests to detect fistulas
Your doctor may not detect fistulas on the physical examination. Other tests could be required to identify and assess the presence of a fistula. These tests could also aid the medical team to plan procedures.
Computerized tomography (CT) scan:- A CT scan of your pelvis and abdomen offers more information than the standard X-ray. The CT scan may help identify the fistula as well as determine the root of the problem.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):- This test generates images of soft tissues within your body. MRI can reveal the exact location of a fistula, whether pelvic organs other than the one are affected, or if there is an abnormality.
Crohn’s tests:- If your doctor suspects that you may have an inflammatory bowel disorder then he/she might recommend a colonoscopy in order to observe your colon. The doctor may collect small amounts of the colon (biopsy) to analyze in a lab to confirm the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.
Fistula Specialist in Kolkata may suggest you some other test like Anorectal ultrasound, Anorectal manometry as per condition of fistula
Anal Fistula Treatment
What is the treatment for Fistula in Ano ?
- SURGERY is the ONLY Treatment for FISTULA IN ANO
- Fistula in Ano CANNOT be CURED by any medicines, whatsoever.
What are the problems with OPEN / Conventional fistula surgery ?
The most serious complication of conventional surgery is FAECAL INCONTINENCE in which the ability to control bowel movement is lost, leading to involuntary passage of stools.
What are the Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatments for Anal Fistula?
- Fistulotomy: The Fistula tract is laid open and the wound is allowed to heal on its own. May result in fecal incontinence and prolonged bed rest due to the large wound which is left open.
- Seton Placement: To drain the infected or access area, seton or latex string are placed inside the fistula.
- Advanced Rectal Flap: A flap will be created from the rectal wall by the surgeon. Once the fistula has been removed, the surgeon will create a flap to cover it. This procedure reduces the amount sphincter muscles that are cut.
- Fibrin Glue & Collagen Plug
- Ligation of intersphincteric Fistula Trace (LIFT).
- Stoma and osteotomy: This is done in order to treat complex fistula, which can be more difficult. To divert the waste into a collagen bag and to allow the anal area to heal, a temporary opening is madein the abdomen.
- LASER TREATMENT – FILAC ( FISTULA TRACT LASER CLOSURE): This a USFDA approved non-invasive procedure which seals and ablates the fistula tract with the help of LASER energy.

FAQ about Fistula
Which is the best treatment for fistula?
Laser Fistula Treatment is the best option in surgery. Consult with Fistula Specialist Doctor in Kolkata
What happens if fistula is not treated?
Fistulas can cause lots of discomfort and, should they not be treated, they could result in serious complications. Certain fistulas may cause bacteria-related infection which can cause sepsis, which is a serious condition that could result in lower the blood pressure or organ damages, and even death.
What are the benefits of Laser Fistula Treatment?
The benefits of Fistula Laser Treatment are –
✔ No Wounds or Cuts
✔ Non-invasive procedure
✔ Daycare procedure & Same Day discharge
✔ No Dietary restrictions
✔ Start your normal day by going back to work the next day
✔ Painless/ Bloodless treatment
✔ Minimal chances of infection
✔ High success rate& Minimal recurrence
✔ Quick and easy recovery
is laser treatment safe for fistula in Kolkata ?
Yes. Laser treatment for Fistula is totally safe, If the surgery done by an experienced and qualified laser surgeon.
is laser treatment for fistula painful?
Painless Treatment. The time required to heal is shorter. The most modern and current treatment technique.
Who is the best doctor for laser treatment for fistula in Kolkata?
With 17+ Years of Experience, Dr. Azhar Alam is one of the best Fistula Doctors for Laser Treatment. Bloodless & Scarless procedure laser surgery take places within 15 mins and patients can be discharged at the same day of surgery.