Best Fistula Doctor in Kolkata - BTTI

Finding the Best Fistula Doctor in Kolkata

In the body, a fistula is a connection that exists between two organs or parts of the body that are abnormal, such as between an organ and the skin or between two vessels or organs. It can be a painful condition that needs expert medical care. Finding the best fistula doctor in Kolkata is crucial. In this guide, you can identify and select the best fistula specialist doctor in Kolkata. It will highlight key considerations and leading experts in the field.

Understanding Fistulas

It is important to note that fistulas can occur in various parts of the body, but they are most common in the anal and rectal regions. The two main types are:

  1. Anal Fistulas: These are often caused by an infection near the anus, leading to an abscess that eventually creates a tunnel between the skin and the infected gland.
  2. Rectovaginal Fistulas: These develop between the rectum and the vagina, often due to childbirth complications, surgical procedures, or inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease.

Fistula symptoms include pain, swelling, discharge, and recurrent infections. Proper diagnosis and treatment by a fistula specialist doctor are essential to managing this condition effectively.

Also Read: Causes of Anovaginal Fistula in Women

Key Considerations for Choosing a Fistula Doctor

When searching for the best fistula doctor in Kolkata, consider the following factors:

  1. Qualifications and Credentials: When looking for a doctor to treat fistulas, make sure the doctor has special training and certification in colorectal surgery or related fields. Check for degrees, fellowships, and memberships with well-known medical organizations to ensure their qualifications and credentials.
  2. Experience and Expertise: Also, ensure the doctor has a lot of experience diagnosing and treating fistulas. Look at how many fistula cases they have handled and their success rates to gauge their experience and expertise.
  3. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Patient feedback can provide insight into a doctor’s expertise and bedside manners. Look for reviews on medical forums, hospital websites, and social media platforms.
  4. Advanced Treatment Options: The best fistula doctors should be adept at the latest surgical and non-surgical treatments. This includes minimally invasive procedures, laser treatments, and advanced wound care.
  5. Hospital Affiliation: Consider doctors affiliated with well-equipped hospitals with a dedicated colorectal surgery department. This ensures access to state-of-the-art facilities and comprehensive care.
  6. Personal Comfort and Communication: A good doctor-patient relationship is built on trust and effective communication. Ensure the doctor is approachable, listens to your concerns, and explains treatment options clearly.

Leading Fistula Doctor in Kolkata

Dr Azhar Alam is a leading fistula doctor in Kolkata with 17+ years of experience in laser fistula surgery. As an expert in minimally invasive surgery, he has performed over 10,000 successful fistula surgeries. He is one of the leading experts in the field and has pioneered new methods of treating fistula. His focus is to provide the best possible care and results for all his patients. He is passionate about his work and committed to providing patients with the best care. He regularly lectures and seminars to share expertise and experience.

Treatment Approaches for Fistulas

Fistula treatment typically involves surgical intervention, although non-surgical methods may sometimes be employed. The primary goal is to eradicate the fistula while preserving continence and minimizing recurrence. Here are some common treatment options:

  1. Fistulotomy: This is the most common surgical procedure for simple fistulas, where the fistula tract is opened and allowed to heal from the inside out.
  2. Seton Placement: In complex or high fistulas, a seton (a piece of surgical thread) is placed in the fistula tract to drain the infection and promote healing.
  3. Advancement Flap Procedure: For more complicated fistulas, an advancement flap (a piece of tissue) is used to cover the internal opening of the anal fistula.
  4. LIFT Procedure (Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract): This technique involves accessing the fistula tract between the sphincter muscles and securing it to promote healing.
  5. Fibrin Glue and Plug: Non-surgical options like fibrin glue and plugs close the fistula tract in selected cases.
  6. Laser Treatment: Laser surgery offers a minimally invasive option with faster recovery times and reduced recurrence risk.

Also Read: Postoperative Care Tips After Anal Fistula Treatment


Finding the best fistula doctor in Kolkata requires careful consideration of the doctor’s qualifications, experience, patient reviews, and the range of treatment options available. Kolkata boasts several top-notch specialists well-equipped to handle complex fistula cases with advanced techniques. By focusing on these important factors, patients can ensure they receive the most appropriate medical treatment and improve their chances of recovery.

The doctor Azhar Alam mentioned above is among the most skilled in Kolkata, known for their skill, dedication, and patient-centered approach. Consulting with a fistula expert can provide the reassurance and effective treatment you need to manage and overcome fistula-related issues.

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About Docor
Best Laser Surgeon in Kolkata
Dr. Azhar Alam

MBBS (Honours), MRCS A (UK),
DNB General Surgery
FIAGES (Gastro Intestinal Surgery)
FMAS (Minimal Access Surgery),
MNAMS (New Delhi)

Consultant Gastrointestinal, Advanced Laparoscopic and Laser Surgeon

Assistant Professor of Surgery, KPC Medical College and Hospital

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