common mistakes that can aggravate your piles or hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are also known as piles, refer to the swollen veins and tissues of the lower rectum and the anus. Piles are a frequent condition in the modern world and there is a belief that three-quarters of adults are affected at times. Based on the location of their origin, we can distinguish internal piles which are found within the rectum, and cannot be felt or seen upon examination. They’re the most frequent kind. External piles form underneath the skin at the outside of the genital area. If a clot develops in a pile, it is known as thrombosed piles. They aren’t dangerous, however they can be very painful.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
The symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- Painless bleeding during bowel movements
- Itching and irritation in the anal region
- Anal region
- The swelling is centered around the the anus
- A lump in the area of the anus that is extremely sensitive and painful (maybe it is a thrombosed lump).
The symptoms of hemorrhoids also depend on the area. Internal piles are not often a source of discomfort however, sometimes tension can push internal masses through an opening in the abdomen. This is called prolapsed piles, and may cause pain.
No matter where they are, the piles form as veins surrounding anus are stretched due to pressure , which causes expansion and bulge. The various factors that could cause an increase in pressure within the lower rectum include:
- Hurting to pass stool
- Long periods of sitting in the toilet , such as the reading of a newspaper while passing stool
- Constipation, diarrhoea, or chronic constipation
- Obesity
- Pregnancy, especially during the third trimester
- Anal intercourse
- As we age, our bodies are at risk for developing piles. The reason for this is that as you age, tissues that support veins of the rectum and anus become weaker and stretch.
If they are not properly handled, piles may cause complications in addition to:

- A chronic loss of blood due to piles of blood can lead to anemia
- In the event that the flow of blood into internal piles is cut off, the hemorrhoid could be strangled which can cause a lot of discomfort.
Common faults that cause piles
Common faults that cause of piles of dirt include:
- The act of sitting or standing for a long time is dangerous is a risk of putting tension on the veins of the lower part of the body. If the job profile of one’s employer calls for a long period of sitting, one needs to be active and get up for a short period of time every hour. Additionally, one should be careful not to sit down and watch television or surfing the web for a long time.
- Unhealthy eating habits cause chronic diarrhoea and constipation. To prevent constipation, one should take in a lot of fibre-rich food, including whole grain cereals, bread fruit and veggies. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly, such as walking or running for at minimum 30 minutes per day. Chronic diarrhea may cause piles to worsen, one should take care to monitor their diet and determine the food items that can cause improper stool movement.
- Being overweight
- The lifting of very heavy objects on a every day basis, like when exercising at the gym.
- Poor hygiene. Because sweat can trigger the itching of piles, it is important to be sure to bathe frequently and keep the anal area dry and clean as much as is possible.
- Anxiety and stress levels are often seen to cause a flare-up of. To manage this, one should spend time each day engaging in a sport which calms the mind.
- The use of laxatives for longer than one week.
- If you spend more than 15 minutes in a stretch in the toilet. It’s been found that reading a newspaper or using your mobile while on the toilet can make people lose track of time, resulting in lots of pressure on blood vessels. Additionally, using Indian toilets is suggested for facilitating stool motions.
- Using wet wipes. They are not advised as they contain alcohol which can cause extreme pain in the affected areas. Instead, one could use an sitz bath for the removal of any fecal matter.
- Use of nails or scratching on the affected area could cause more discomfort.
- Beware of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or coffee as both can cause dehydration, leading to constipation, which can worsen piles.
- In response to nature’s call, not avoiding the urge to urinate that puts stress on the area of the abdomen. To avoid this , it is important to plan the timings of going to the toilet in accordance with the frequency of bowel movements. Then, stick to the same routine.
Also Read: Difference Between Piles, Fistula & Fissure
Alongside the correct Piles treatment methods, homoeopathic medicine is the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids. Homoeopathic medicine eases itching, pain, or any other local discomfort that sufferers experience. It also assists in reducing the development of hemorrhoids through treating the related issues such as constipation, which can cause and can exacerbate piles.
In the course of treating hemorrhoids, especially when someone has a tendency to develop chronic piles, the homoeopathic physician will take notes on the patient. He formulates prescriptions on the basis of an holistic approach and seeks to identify the symptoms that are characteristic, regardless of whether they are physical, mental or specific area.
The most effective homoeopathic treatment for piles could be based on the reason which causes hemorrhoids e.g Collinsonia canadensis is a excellent remedy for the appearance of piles during pregnancy. When piles result from the effects of our contemporary lifestyle that includes an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle practices Nux vomica can play a vital function to play.
The best homeopathic remedy of Piles is the one that is the closest to the specific case, and it may even be determined by the cause of the pain. E.g. for painful piles, like cuts, Nitric acid is a good remedy). There are some circumstances that cause piles to get worse or provide relief are considered to be of great significance when making prescriptions.
Alongside the internal medical aspect, Homoeopathic remedies like calendula mother-tincture is also employed in sitz baths to ease irritation. Homoeopathy is therefore a great source of potential in dealing with and preventing recurrences of cases of piles.
About Docor

Dr. Azhar Alam
MBBS (Honours), MRCS A (UK),
DNB General Surgery
FIAGES (Gastro Intestinal Surgery)
FMAS (Minimal Access Surgery),
MNAMS (New Delhi)
Consultant Gastrointestinal, Advanced Laparoscopic and Laser Surgeon
Assistant Professor of Surgery, KPC Medical College and Hospital